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Oracle 树操作、递归查询(select…start with…connect by…prio

发布时间:2021-02-27 04:06:05 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:副标题#e# 一、Oracle中start with…connect by prior子句用法 connect by 是结构化查询中用到的,其基本语法是: select … from tablename start with 条件1 connect by 条件2 where 条件3; 例: select * from table start with org_id = ‘HBHqfWGWPy’
1 2 3 --m.parent=m2.parent-->同一个父亲select * from tb_menu mwhere exists (select * from tb_menu m2 where m.parent=m2.parent and m2.id=6)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 with tmp as(??????select a.*,level leaf??????? ??????from tb_menu a??????????????? ??????start with a.parent is null????? ??????connect by a.parent = prior a.id)select *?????????????????????????????? from tmp???????????????????????????? where leaf = (select leaf from tmp where id = 50);



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 with tmp as(????select tb_menu.*,level lev????from tb_menu????start with parent is null????connect by parent = prior id)???? select b.*from tmp b,(select *????????????from tmp????????????where id = 21? and lev = 2) awhere b.lev = 1 ? union all ? select *from tmpwhere parent = (select distinct x.id????????????????from tmp x,--祖父?????????????????????tmp y,--父亲?????????????????????(select *??????????????????????from tmp??????????????????????where id = 21? and lev > 2) z --儿子????????????????where y.id = z.parent and x.id = y.parent);



上面列出两个树型查询方式,第3条语句和第5条语句,这两条语句之间的区别在于prior关键字的位置不同,所以决定了查询的方式不同。 当parent = prior id时,数据库会根据当前的id迭代出parent与该id相同的记录,所以查询的结果是迭代出了所有的子类记录;而prior parent = id时,数据库会跟据当前的parent来迭代出与当前的parent相同的id的记录,所以查询出来的结果就是所有的父类结果。


